Friday, January 29, 2010

I Prefer My Chimps Cremated

Well, oh boy. Where do I begin this week? Maybe with a strole down Sunset Boulevard. I genuinely enjoyed the film until about 45 minutes had passed. Then, I just wanted to throw rotten vegetables and "boos" at the screen. Not with the intention of suggesting that it was poorly made-it was quite the opposite, in fact. The overacting, dramatic lighting, and thrilling music just started to make my stomach turn. Or was that the Trix I packed for a snack? No, no... it was definitely Norma. I wish I were better with words so I could clearly depict just how awfully uncomfortable I felt. I wanted to scream and beg her to stop, or maybe just go on and kill herself. Although, if I wanted to be honest, I would have to say that all of this must mean that the movie, overacting, dramatic lighting, and thrilling music included, was successful. Ugh. Film. Why do I let you control my emotions?!

I found myself sympathizing with Betty. On my list of qualities the only thing I had written for her was "pure." So she wasn't necessarily "pure," what with her cheating on Arty and all, but her intentions and desires weren't as dark as other characters in my mind. I also found the non-Norma life much more realistic. I never quite figured out why Norma's world was more believeable. She reminded me of Cruella de Ville.

TV guide channel inspired an epiphany last night. Hollywood is an alternate reality.


  1. I am right there with you. If Norma does not make someone in the audience uncomfortable, then something is wrong. Immediately when Joe Gillis had his first conversation with her, my red flag went up and I got chills. Her character was meant to be so dramatic and mentally broken that it is overwhelming for viewers. And even though she made me uncomfortable, I was somewhat fascinated with her and wanted to know what she was going to do next. In my opinion, Norma definitely makes the movie.

  2. I know what you mean ... it's queasy-making. I happen to enjoy being creeped out or weirded out. Those are feelings that wake me up and make me want to pay attention. They are bracing! We don't know what to expect. I like that feeling -- it's the feeling of being alive!
